This Is Me

This Is Me
I don't want my others to be ignorant of their world like me before

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Continuation of I am so damn lucky

I am blessed with 16 wonderful nephews and 9 wonderful this date.which i also learn many wonderful lessons from them.....I am so damn lucky
So..."Nikmat TuhanMu yang manakah yang kau dustakan?"...repeated more than 10 times in surah ArRahman                        

Continuation of I am so damn lucky

Allah bless me with an amazing, gorgeous, thoughtful, a genius husband...i even learn to cook from him...thank
you my darling...I am so damn lucky
Allah bless me with nine wonderful siblings...which i receive so much from them...and i give so little...i am so damn lucky
Allah bless me with the most kindhearted mother...who never expect much in return of whatever she has done
for me...I am so damn  lucky
Allah bless me with a caring and thoughtful father who taught me to memorise the timetable(sifir)..which i pass to my kids n my students....beside marrying my mom...n my mom got her strength n find her true potential through the marriage...I am so damn lucky

Continuation of I am so damn lucky

I am able to recite Al-Kahfi...Which is told by ArRasulMuhammad Saw..."Those who recite Al-Kahfi...70000
.angels being with them"...just imagine how kind Allah is...n its free...I am so damn lucky
Allah bless me with three beautiful, amazing, incredible offsprings...which i learn so much from them every moment of my life...they get angry when when they need to repeatedly to coach me which to them simple task...n to their umi...hard task n they still bear with me...I am so damn lucky

I am so damn lucky

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious The Merciful

I am able to forgive....I am so damn lucky
I am able to receive...I am so damn lucky
I am able to give........I am so damn lucky
I am able to share......I am so damn lucky
I am born a Muslim...Though i understand wut a muslim means at the age of 18...yet i still do mistakes n learn at the age of 45...I am so damn lucky
I have the quran...the only melody i noe to recite...if i sing a song ...the told me i rapped all
melodies....I am so damn lucky

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hazwan opening his heart after more than a year in unikl

Dearest angah,
Tanx for coming back...cik midah really appreciate ur ability to open up yourself.  Cik midah rassa berbaloi dulu

cik midah susukan angah dgn air susu cik midah.  I feel some part of me is in u.  Di hati cik midah, cik midah sangat hargai keberanian and kejujuran angah.  Pada  cik midah angah merupakan contoh remaja and anak buah yang wajar dicontohi oleh anak-anak lain...even oleh anak-anak cik midah sendiri.

 Masih terkenang sewaktu angah stay ngn cik midah masa angah standard 5, ada masanya angah memberontak ngan cara cik midah tried to develop all of u.  Sori dear, that was d only way i knew how...My way was because i had deep fear inside me that all of u will turn to drug if u didnt study well.  I think u know how that fear developed.  U see how your uncles turn up, right? Agaknya angah juga lom tahu yang dalam adik beradik suami cik midah ada 3 orang penagih dadah tegar...n ada seorang abang cik Mansor yang meninggal tepi longkang n kamipown tak pernah ziarah kubur dia.  Cik midah nampak susah payah cik mansor uruskan masalah adik beradik dia with their involvement with drugs...semua tu jadikan cik midah sangat takut.  Denda yang korang rasa tak patut n marah...1 jam korang keluar tanpa reasons yang munasabah kena rotan 100 x.  Hidup tanpa menonton television, cz i believe tv brings more bad influence than good n banyak lagi rules yang cik midah buat yang boleh membuat seorang remaja memberontak.

Tapi angah tau tak ada perkara yang buat cik midah respek angah?  Angah mendekatkan diri pada rumah Allah.  EVery Friday angah sanggup bagi good service kat rumah Allah, bentang n kemas sejadah, tolong kutip duit derma dari orang ramai n so on.  Ada masanya bila ada orang yang murah hati beri duit kat angah, angah sanggup share ngn along n huzai, ur brothers.  Tahniah atas sikap mulia kamu itu...hope it becomes the foundation for u to give more than being asked...sikap sanggup yang merupakan asas kejayaan bagi seorang individu.

Terima kasih kerana angah sanggup berbai'ah ngan cik midah untuk sama-sama memajukan keluarga kita di saat cik midah lom ada apa-apa yang cik midah boleh buktikan.  Terima kasih kerana approvedan menyedari potensi yang ada pada cik midah di saat cik midah sendiri rasa down...Semoga Allah memudah n memuliakan angah sebagaimana angah memudah n memuliakan orang lain.

ENOUGH for this morning, moga Allah terus memberi kekuatan coz i believe writing will make me a person.

Yang mahu kamu capai sepenuh potensi dirimu,
Cik midah

Friday, November 5, 2010

What I did today

9am- I did massage therapy of an old friend.  She was my junior in SIGS.  She is still unmarried.  I think she has much to share.  She went to USA but unable to complete her studies due to her schizophrenia(skizofrenia) problem.  Up to now she needs to take her medication 3 times per day...she told me her fear that she won't be a normal person anymore when she gets old, she feels that she is a boring person, she feels that other people are luckier than her...

2pm- I massaged a 53 year old woman.  She has diabetics problem, although the reading is just around 6 or 7.
I massaged her legs as she complained she felt pain there.  She has 2 daughters.  The eldest is married w/o her consent...and she is blessed with two cute granddaughters from her eldest.  She still cant forgive her eldest and unable to enjoy her relationship with her she becomes 2nd wife to a man...and they were married in Songkhla, Thailand.  My question is, would u rather be right than happy?  Furthermore she is blessed with a very responsible husband who can work nonstop n who is very supportive to her. I would
choose to be happy rather than unable to enjoy my relationship with the ppl that i care deeply.

Thanks so much Allah for enabling me to forgive....

Getting started...

Thanks to my daughter for enabling me to trigger my ability to start this blog